Tuesday, August 2, 2011

But Set the Believers an Example: Faith

“Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.” (1 Timothy 4.12 ESV)

In his letter to Timothy, Paul tells his “child in the faith” (1 Tim. 1.2) Timothy that he needs to “set the believers an example” in five different areas. The fourth area listed is “faith” which is what we will be looking at today. 

Faith is used in a number of different ways throughout the book of 1 Timothy. One of the more prominent ways it is used is to refer to the belief that Christians have (i.e. “the faith”). However, as I understand it, this term faith here in 1 Timothy 4.12 is used differently. Eerdman’s Bible Dictionary defines faith as: “Human belief in and reliance upon the divine.” If I had to define, in our terms, what Paul wanted Timothy to do I would say that: Timothy was to show the believers, by the way he lived, that he relied on God. 
With that definition in mind, I want to discuss what it means to rely on God. If you rely on God then:

1)      You fully rely on Him. Relying on God is not something that we should do only when we feel like it or when it’s easy but all the time. If you rely on God then you fully trust that he will take care of you, not some of the time, but all the time! 

2)      You cheerfully rely on Him. Things in life get tough sometimes (maybe more than we’d like to count), but trusting in God means that no matter how bad a situation seems we can handle it cheerfully because we know our God will provide for us. 

3)      You expressly rely on Him. If you are someone who relies on God fully then people will be able to see that. Your actions will express or show that you rely on God. If you rely on God people will notice that you don’t worry as much. People will take notice of how differently you approach situations that most others would see as difficult. 

Timothy was to set an example in this way. He was to fully rely on God and trust that God would take care of him. He was to be seen as cheerful, because those that rely on God in everything can face even the difficult things with a smile because they know God will provide. Lastly, he was to “set an example” or be known as someone who relied on God by his actions. Timothy’s life was to reflect the fact that he had faith in God. 

These three things apply to us as well. If we wish to be someone who is “setting an example…in faith” then we must fully and completely rely on Him. We must cheerfully and with our best attitude rely on Him and finally we must expressly show to people the faith we have in God. –Jack D.

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