Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Keep Watch

“Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers.” (1 Timothy 4.16 ESV)

I hope to continue with my series on 1st Timothy 4.12 within the next week or so, but today I wanted to write a blog concerning another verse in 1st Timothy.  

Not long after Paul tells Timothy how he is to “set an example for the believers” (1 Tim. 4.12) we get this verse here (posted above). In this verse Paul cautions Timothy to “keep a close watch” over two different areas:

1)      Yourself – Timothy is to keep a watch over his lifestyle. The way he was to live was extremely important. This wasn’t a suggestion from Paul to be self-centered but Timothy was to, in every aspect of his life, see if he was “setting an example” and if he was being the “man of God” (1 Tim. 6.11) he was supposed to be. 

2)      Teaching – Timothy is also supposed to give heed to his teaching. Timothy was facing a crisis in Ephesus. That crisis? False teachers (1 Tim. 4.1; 6.3-4, 20). With this crisis occurring Timothy was to make sure that he was teaching only correct doctrine and not these false concepts and ideas that were becoming popular in Ephesus. 

It was important that Timothy keep these two aspects of his life in check. The same can be said for us today. We’ve got to make sure that we are:

1)      Living the truth – In other words are we living in a godly manner? Are we self-controlled or do we get angry at every little thing that happens in our life? Do we go out of our way to help someone (even if it’s just some small thing) or do we only help others when it’s convenient for us? Could someone compare the way we’re living our life to the Bible and say “that guy is definitely a Christian?”

2)      Teaching the truth – Whenever I think of teaching I am always reminded of the Bereans we read about in Acts 17.11. In order for us to teach the truth we must constantly study God’s word. In this day and age it’s sometimes hard for us to take time and read God’s word. If you aren’t doing so already, I want to encourage you to take 15-30 minutes a day to sit down and really find the meaning in different passages. 

Timothy wasn’t just asked to do these things for nothing. Paul told him that “persisting” in these things would bring about the salvation of both himself and his hearers. Do you see how important this command is? Living a godly life and teaching the truth will result in the salvation of others! Let each one of us do as Timothy was to do and watch both our life and doctrine closely! – Jack D.  

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